Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My day begins with sleep: Aug. 25, 2009

My cousin Eules is amazing. His words speak truth and greatly inspire. Surprise, surprise. Who would've ever thought. I spent my whole night as his audience and each set deserved a standing ovation. Now I see that we all have a story to tell, it intrigues me to listen and to be let into some one's mind. When we put our thoughts to paper we make beautiful words, find interesting truth, and often teach a lesson to someone in need. Our life experiences become someone Else's guidance.

7:28 am.. now i guess I'll go to bed.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday. August 24, 2009

I hope you have a wonderful first day of class today baby. Remember your amazing and if no one else does, I believe you'll be something great. Surprise them with your intelligence. Delight them with your wit. Refreshen them with your charm, and break their hearts to let them know your mine. love you hun.

Baby watch what you say, for your words can sometimes come off as a somewhat slap to the face. If anything at all please break it to me gently for I am a bundle of emotions who take unkindly to pain and hurt. I've put my trust in you and my heart in your hands. I trust that you'll handle it with care. I trust that we'll make it through the hard times to come and live our lives as we often discuss. Obtaining success, having children, and proving that everlasting love is obtainable.
Darling we belong
Distance only makes us grow twice as strong
Over and over again I fall in love like the first time
Fly away with me, there's so much of love that we have yet to see
No one can stand between us, it's just you and me

in love.

Jameel my Love.

I miss you every night I fall asleep and find myself thinking of you each morning i wake. I'm patiently waiting; although it hasn't been long, just this first week has felt like an eternity.. Talk about withdrawals, baby I'm going through it believe me.

Dreading the months to come, Anticipating the days I'll have to wait, and Counting each and every second until you return.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

&cut my hair for real! like not just simple borring shoulder length but "majooor"

ex. see 1st & last picture of collage :]

Saturday, July 18, 2009


In your presence I felt loved, while in your arms I
felt safety, through your eyes I found truth within
myself. Never mistaken, you read me well. Feelings
once felt I feel no more. My silence brought distance
and my disconnect finally makes sense. You often accused
my pride but my heart was to blame, aware of the truth
it wouldn't allow me to fall that extra mile. My selfish
mind is what led me to believe it was you that I loved.
The rhythmic beat of my heart knew all along this was wrong...
I realize now I fell in love with LOVE itself, and i guess
you were justt the Delivery boy. Well, I thank you for your
services sir, and most importantly I thank you for this
beautiful package I so selfishly enjoyed unwrapping and
receiving. But please believe me, I had no intentions to